Booking Horizon
To know how far in advance, you can book Point to Point tickets or a pass, check below the booking horizon for each train:
- Over 12 months / 365 days
- 11 months / 335 days
- 10 months / 305 days
- 8 months / 240 days
- 6 months / 180 days
- 4 months / 120 days
- 3 months / 90 days
- 84 Days
11 months / 335 days
6 months / 180 days
4 months / 120 days
3 months / 90 days
84 days
- Great Britain trains - National Rail (RDG) - Outside of 60 days, only "Anytime" fares (or fares without reservations) reflect.
8 months / 240 days
10 months / 305 days
12 months / 365 days
Search per country & trains:
- France
- Spain
- Italy
- Germany
- United Kingdom
- Austria
- Belgium
- Switzerland
- Other
Please check below booking horizons to see which train within France or on International routes to/from France are available- 6 months / 180 days
- 4 months / 120 days
- 3 months / 90 days
Please check below booking horizons to see which train within Spain or on International routes to/from Spain are available- Over 12 months / 365 days
- 8 months / 240 days
- 3 months / 90 days
Please check below booking horizons to see which train within Italy or on International routes to/from Italy are available- 4 months / 120 days
- 6 months / 180 days
Please check below booking horizons to see which train within Germany or on International routes to/from Germany are available- 6 months / 180 days
- 4 months / 120 days
United Kingdom
Please check below booking horizons to see which train within UK or on International routes to/from UK are available- 6 months / 180 days
- 84 Days
Please check below booking horizons to see which train within Austria or on International routes to/from Austria are available- 6 months / 180 days
Please check below booking horizons to see which train within Belgium or on International routes to/from Belgium are available- 6 months / 180 days
- 4 months / 120 days
- 3 months / 90 days
Please check below booking horizons to see which train within Switzerland or on International routes to/from Switzerland are available- 10 months / 305 days
- 6 months / 180 days
- 4 months / 120 days
- 3 months / 90 days
Please check below booking horizons to see which train within those countries or on International routes to/from those countries are available- 11 months / 335 days
- 3 months / 90 days
Booking horizons are set by the carriers as a general rule. Please keep in mind they are free to modify it depending on multiple reasons & without any specific announcement. They can as well temporarily close a train on their own reservation system, and consequently block any sales during that time frame.
Booking horizons are linked to the Sales opening. It is usually variable depending on the season, the local holidays & events. The global European trains schedules change that occurs twice a year in June & December (on the second Sunday), will also impact them, especially the Winter schedules change, mid-December.