Groups booking on MyRailEurope

Are you a Rail Europe registered Key Account (GSA). You can refer to a userguide on how to book a Group on My Rail Europe portal by clicking here  .


Group Reservation Acceptance Rules: 

You may create one itinerary per case; however, you can include multiple itineraries in a single case in these specific scenarios:
Return Journeys: For round trips with different travel dates:
Itinerary 1: Paris → Amsterdam
Itinerary 2: Amsterdam → Paris
Stopover Itineraries: When there is no direct train and a connection is required, with all segments on the same day:
Itinerary 1: Nice → Paris Gare de Lyon
Itinerary 2: Paris Nord → Lille
Please note that series of departures or unrelated itineraries should each have their own case.
If this condition is not met, the Groups Department reserves the right to cancel your case and will request that you create a new booking request.
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