Validating train tickets in Italy & France

Validating train tickets in Italy and France is sometimes necessary if the ticket has been booked as a collect-at-station ticket. If the travellers don't validate their ticket, they could be fined. Ticket validation machines are at the entrance to the platform areas or on the platform itself.


How to validate train tickets in France

Travellers must validate all French train tickets (except print-at-home and mobile tickets) before boarding the train. There are small yellow "compost", or "automat", machines marked  Compostez votre billet

They must simply insert their ticket into the slot and wait for the machine to stamp them; the date and validation code will appear on the reverse of the ticket. 

How to validate train tickets in Italy

Travellers must validate Italian train tickets (except print-at-home or "paperless" reservations) before boarding the train. 

There are small yellow or green machines at the entrance to each platform marked Convalida il tuo biglietto. Passengers must insert the ticket into the slot and wait for the machine to stamp them; the date and validation code will appear on the reverse of the ticket.  

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