Buying German train tickets for someone else

Buying tickets for someone else on German trains is simple, but you'll need to be aware: that only one passenger will be shown on German train tickets issued by Deutsche Bahn (DB). This passenger must present a valid ID such as a passport, government-issued ID or Bahn card. 

This means that whoever is listed on the ticket must be present on the train for the ticket to be valid. If you are booking German train tickets for someone else, you will need to make certain that their name is the one listed on the ticket.

The first passenger you enter will be the one listed on the ticket. Even if you are not travelling, you can enter your own name and information into the Contact Details section, as this information will not be on the ticket. 

The passenger whose name is shown on the ticket must show valid ID such as a passport, government-issued ID, or Bahn card. 

It's not possible to amend a ticket once it's been issued, so if the wrong passenger name appears on the ticket we can only cancel it per the fare conditions.
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