France - TER trains

  1. Features
  2. Age conditions
  3. Individual Fare Types
  4. Conditions of use
  5. Reservations
  6. Aftersales

I. Features_________________________________________________________________

  • Open Tickets are for the period of validity as shown on ticket.
  • Valid on a specific route as per the vias mentioned on the ticket
  • Valid on all trains for which the reservation is not mandatory
  • The journey can be taken on any date within the period of validity
  • For Regional trains (TER), no coach nor seat numbers are mentioned on the ticket. Passenger can seat wherever he wants considering the same class of service printed on the ticket.

II. Age conditions__________________________________________________________

Children under 4 years old free when sharing an adult passenger’s seat / bed
Children Half adult fare for children between 4 and 11 inclusive on travel date
Youth discounted rates for youth between 12 and 25 inclusive on travel date
Senior discounted rates for travellers who are 60 years old or over on travel date

III. Individual Fare Types__________________________________________________

Fares vary according to the TER railways, it is also linked to the date, time, and route. Click here for details


IV. Conditions of use______________________________________________________

  • Seat reservation is not included in the open ticket price.
  • In France, you will find three types of train: long distance trains, "shorter distance" trains and local trains or buses.
  • Overview of the French trains:
Distance Trains Train Type Reservation
Long TGV, Intercités (day & night) TGV, TNC Compulsory / Yield managed trains
Shorter Intercités CIC, TIC, TRN, TIR Recommended or compulsory
Local TER 5 digits Impossible

V. Reservations____________________________________________________________

Conditions vary according to the purchased fare,


VI. Aftersales______________________________________________________________

After sales vary according to the purchased fare,

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