Group Booking Offline
It will be clearer and more user-friendly. The new interface offers an intuitive workflow as well as more flexibility (possibility to give preference to departure time or price) and is clearer on pax types.
Our Group Booking Tool has been available on the Rail Portal since February 15, 2022, providing you with an enhanced, user-friendly experience for booking group travel.
Based on your feedback, we have made several improvements to make the tool even more efficient.
The updated interface offers.
Benefits of booking groups with RailEurope
- Extended booking horizon for most carriers.
- Discounted rates availability.
- Put seats on hold until TTL (Ticketing Time Limit) depending on carriers.
Group booking conditions
- Your group request must be done at least 10 business days before departure (if quotation only, it should be requested at least 15 business days before departure date).
- Number of pax: 10 minimum.
- New requests will now be made in your RailPortal , except for Deutsche Bahn, Eurostar Red & Blue.
Welcome to the Groups portal
- Select GROUPS on the homepage, review the groups conditions and click on CONTINUE TO GROUP DETAILS:
Group information
Fill in the mandatory fields about your group information and tour leader*, save and continue to the trip details:
Trip details
Create your itineraries by indicating:
- The origin and destination.
- Departure date and time (We now offer a schedule flexibility).
- The travelers numbers and types of passengers.
- Class of service.
- Train number (optional)
- If you have special needs, you have now a dedicated space to explain your needs.
Please create only one itinerary per train. If you have a connecting train to reach your destination, please create as many itineraries as the number of trains you need to book.

View my request
You will be able to view and follow your booking in My bookings in the Groups tab.
You can use the Quick search to find your reservation or filter by Ticketing Time Limit, Modification Date or 1st date or travel.
The TTL is clearly identified in blue and will appear in RED from 15 days before departure to advise you that the PNR is going to expire.
The status will be updated during the booking process.
Please find below the different possible status in the system and their definition:
Open your itinerary here in your "Trip Summary":
On the left "surrounded in pink" here you'll find the original request you created and on the right "surrounded in blue" in our example, the final proposition from our group department updated according to the trains availabilies:
In each itinerary you'll retrieve all the details, the billing details, tickets and send a comment to our group department.
You can now contact us if you have any comment about your reservation through the itinerary.
Use the "Conversation" function to add a new comment about your itinerary. Our group department will respond as soon as possible.
Issuance Request
If you want to reduce the number of passengers initially requested, please use the itinerary and the "Billing details" to update the number of passengers:
Enter the number of passengers you need and do not forget to click on "Apply" before submitting the update.
If you don't want to issue the itinerary you can request the cancellation of the itinerary by using the dedicated button:
The e-tickets will be provided by our group department and available at the bottom of the page:
Video Tutorial
Please find here a video tutorial.
After Sales
After issuance in case of modification or cancellation, please add a comment by selecting the corresponding subject, describe your request and send the comment:
To alert us about any problem you would encounter, please contact us via the usual channels. This will allow us to provide the assistance you need in a timely and efficient manner.
If you need to increase the number of passengers please create a new itinerary. You won't be able to increase the number passengers in a existing itinerary except for SNCF online bookings. If you add a superior number you'll have an error message.
Group Reservation Acceptance Rules: